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Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF)

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Arjan Quist, Executive Director of Innovation Management
For Information, Contact:
Ashley Block
Post Licensing Manager Northwestern University
Innovation & New Ventures Office 847-467-2225

NU 2016-129



Cynthia Thompson


Short Description

Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF) is a linguistically based therapy for improving sentence deficits in agrammatic aphasia. TUF focuses on non-canonical sentence structures and includes training for both sentence comprehension and production. For a sample of the test stimuli and response form, please see the sample file below.


Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF) Treatment Materials Print

by Northwestern Aphasia Lab

  • Included:
    • (1) Examiner's manual
    • (40) Picture stimuli
    • (3) Sets of corresponding word cards
  • Product category:  AphasiaLab_TUF1
  • Price: $125.00


Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF) Supplemental Materials Print

by Northwestern Aphasia Lab

  • Included:
    • (188) Supplemental picture stimuli
    • (4) Sets of supplemental word cards
  • Product category:  AphasiaLab_TUF2
  • Price: $153.00


Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF) Treatment + Supplemental Materials Print

by Northwestern Aphasia Lab

  • Included:
    • (1) Examiner's manual
    • (228) Picture stimuli
    • (4) Sets of word cards (treatment + supplemental)       
  • Product category:  AphasiaLab_TUF3
  • Price: $228.00



Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF) Treatment Materials Digital Download

by Northwestern Aphasia Lab

  • Included:
    • (1) Examiner's manual
    • (40) Picture stimuli
    • (3) Sets of treatment word cards
  • Product category:  AphasiaLab_TUF1-download
  • Price: $125.00


Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF) Supplemental Materials Digital Download

by Northwestern Aphasia Lab

  • Included:
    • (188) Supplemental picture stimuli
    • (4) Sets of corresponding word cards
  • Product category:  AphasiaLab_TUF2-download
  • Price: $153.00


Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF) Treatment + Supplemental Materials Digital Download

by Northwestern Aphasia Lab

  • Included:
    • (1) Examiner's manual
    • (228) Picture stimuli
    • (4) Sets of corresponding word cards
  • Product category:  AphasiaLab_TUF3-download
  • Price: $228.00




Treatment of Underlying Forms (TUF) is available via a license from Northwestern University for research and clinical use.


TUF is offered as three separate package options:

  1. TUF Treatment Materials
    1. Examiner’s Manual
    2. 40 colored picture stimulus cards (20 reversible picture pairs)
    3. 3 sets of word cards (20 reversible sentences per set)
  2. TUF Supplemental Materials
    1. 188 colored picture stimulus cards (29 reversible picture pairs + 65 non-reversible picture pairs)
    2. 3 sets of word cards (29 reversible sentences per set) + 1 set of word cards for 130 non-reversible sentences
  3. TUF Treatment + Supplemental Materials
    1. Examiner’s Manual
    2. 228 colored picture stimulus cards (49 reversible picture pairs and 65 non-reversible picture pairs)
    3. 3 sets of word cards (49 reversible sentences per set) + 1 set of word cards for 130 non-reversible sentences


Each package is also available as a digital download, which may be printed.


Payment by credit card can be made after agreeing to the TUF license agreement at checkout.  For hard-copies: your order will be shipped within ten (10) days of payment confirmed by your credit card.  Please allow 5-7 days for delivery. For digital options: you will receive an access code with instructions for download after your payment has been confirmed. 


What is TUF?

TUF was developed for use with individuals with agrammatic aphasia, a type of aphasia characterized by production of short, grammatically impoverished utterances, with frequent word-finding pauses. TUF focuses on non-canonical sentence structures and incorporates training for both sentence production and comprehension. Importantly, treatment is based on the premise that training underlying, abstract properties of language facilitates generalization to untrained structures with similar linguistic properties, especially those of lesser linguistic complexity.

The TUF treatment materials consist of three treatment protocols for the training of: (1) Passive Sentences, (2) Object Cleft Sentences, and (3) Wh-questions. Within each structure are materials for training 20 reversible sentences with the use of reversible picture pairs and word cards needed to construct target sentences, as shown above.

The supplemental package includes materials for an additional 29 reversible sentences and 65 non-reversible sentences, as shown above. In conjunction with treatment, instructions for behavioral probes are included for tracking treatment progress and checking for generalization.



TUF is described in the following research papers:


Ballard, K.J., & Thompson, C.K. (1999). Treatment and generalization of complex sentence production in agrammatism. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 42, 690-707.


Jacobs, B.J., & Thompson, CK. (2000). Cross-modal generalization effects of training non-canonical sentence comprehension and production in agrammatic aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 43, 5-20.


Murray, L., Timberlake, A., & Eberle, R. (2007). Treatment of Underlying Forms in a discourse context. Aphasiology, 21, 139-163.


Shapiro, L., & Thompson, C.K. (2006). Treating language deficits in Broca’s aphasia. Y. Grodzinsky & K. Amunts (Eds.), Broca’s Region (pp. 119-134). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.


Thompson, C. K. (2001). Treatment of underlying forms: A linguistic specific approach for sentence production deficits in agrammatic aphasia. In R. Chapey (Ed.), Language intervention strategies in adult aphasia (4th Ed., pp. 605-628). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.


Thompson, C.K., Ballard, K.J., & Shapiro, L.P. (1998). The role of complexity in training wh-movement structures in agrammatic aphasia: Optimal order for promoting generalization. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 4, 661-674.


Thompson, C.K., Choy, J.J., Holland, A., & Cole, R. (2010b). Sentactics: Computer-automated treatment of underlying forms. Aphasiology, 24, 1242-1266.


Thompson, C.K., den Ouden, D.B., Bonakdarpour, B., Garibaldi, K., & Parrish, T.B. (2010a). Neural plasticity and treatment-induced recovery of sentence processing in agrammatism. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3211-3227.


Thompson, C.K., & Shapiro, L.P. (1995). Training sentence production in agrammatism: Implications for normal and disordered language. Brain and Language, 50, 201-224.


Thompson, C.K., & Shapiro, L.P. (2005). Treating agrammatic aphasia within a linguistic framework: Treatment of Underlying Forms. Aphasiology, 19, 1021-1036.


Thompson, C.K., Shapiro, L.P., Ballard, K.J., Jacobs, B.J., Schneider, S.S., & Tait, M.E. (1997b). Training and generalized production of wh- and NP-movement structures in agrammatic aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 40, 228-244.


Thompson, C.K., Shapiro, L.P., Kiran, S., & Sobecks, J. (2003). The role of syntactic complexity in treatment of sentence deficits in agrammatic aphasia: The complexity account of treatment efficacy (CATE). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 46, 591-607.


Thompson, C.K., Shapiro, L.P., & Roberts, M.M. (1993). Treatment of sentence production deficits in aphasia: A linguistic-specific approach to wh-interrogative training and generalization. Aphasiology, 7, 111-133.


Thompson, C.K., Shapiro, L.P., Tait, M.E., Jacobs, B.J., & Schneider, S. (1996). Training wh-question productions in agrammatic aphasia: Analysis of argument vs. adjunct movement. Brain and Language, 52, 175-228.


Wambaugh, J.L., & Thompson, C.K. (1989). Training and generalization of agrammatic aphasic adults’ wh-interrogative productions. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 54, 509-525.


Refunds are available within 60 days of purchase under the following conditions:

• Materials must remain unused.

• Purchaser must contact Northwestern University at within 60 days from the date of purchase to initiate the refund request. Please provide a copy of the purchase receipt included with the request.

• 90% of the purchase price will be refunded.

• Purchaser must confirm destruction of the licensed materials upon request by Northwestern.

Refunds will not be issued for used materials or for requests made more than 60 days from the purchase date. Northwestern may refuse a refund request if evidence is found of fraud, refund abuse or other manipulative behavior that entitles Northwestern to a corresponding counterclaim.


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